Collagen Induction Therapy

If fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores or pigmentation irregularities on your skin are bothering you, collagen induction therapy can help. This simple, relatively painless treatment can reduce these unsightly skin concerns in just weeks.

What is collagen induction therapy? How does collagen induction therapy work?

Collagen induction therapy involves a process called medical micro-needling to create thousands of invisible and virtually painless perforations on the outer layer of the skin. The body responds to these microscopic perforations by increasing the production of new tissue to refresh the skin. The body also releases growth factors that promote scar and hyperpigmentation repair and healing.

After just one treatment, many patients notice a healthier glow to their skin. Skin takes roughly four weeks to synthesize new collagen, and after four months of treatment you will be able to see the full effects of the entire process.

Novant Health Appel & Wormer Plastic Surgery uses the Rejuvapen instrument for collagen induction therapy. It uses nine micro-needles with adjustable lengths, allowing treatments to be customized for each patient.



Before and after Rejuvapen pictures

Acne scarring


Fine lines




To learn more about collagen induction therapy using Rejuvapen or to make an appointment, contact Novant Health Appel & Wormer Plastic Surgery today!