Fat Grafting
Do you ever feel out of balance? Maybe you feel your thighs are too big and your breasts are too small? Fat grafting can help you achieve the body that you want and restore a sense of balance.
What is fat grafting?
Fat grafting, also known as fat injection or fat transfer, is a procedure where fat is taken from a part of the body where you have excess fat, like the thighs, and moved to a part of the body where extra fat would be desirable, like the breasts, buttocks, hands or face. Fat grafting is a popular procedure that produces natural, long-lasting results. It can fill in depressions, revise scars or improve body contours.
What does fat grafting involve?
Fat grafting happens in stages. First, the area where the fat will be harvested from is numbed. Then, our surgeons will create an incision and use a technique similar to liposuction to remove the fat. The fat will then be filtered and purified to prepare it for injection. Finally, the area where the fat is to be placed is numbed, and the fat is placed there using multiple injections. Either the way the fat is placed or the way the fat is massaged is what ensures a good contour in the area.
What to expect after fat grafting
After fat grafting, you will be sore and could have some bruising or swelling both at the site where the fat was harvested and the site where the fat was injected. The only scarring will be at the site where the fat was harvested through liposuction.
You will want to take at least a week off of work. You will need to avoid more strenuous activity for a few weeks while you recover. It will take a few weeks for swelling and bruising to resolve. Once it does, you will be left with smoother, well-contoured skin both at the harvesting site and the injection site.
The effects of fat-grafting are long-lasting and the procedure is generally well tolerated since it involves fat harvested from your own body.
Fat grafting side effects and risks
Swelling and bruising are the most common side effects and are usually not severe. Bleeding, infections and reactions to anesthesia are more rare, but could be serious. Following post-operative instructions carefully greatly reduces these risks.